Wayfarers Donate £1,000 to Southport Soup Kitchen

Wayfarers Chorus donate £1,000 to Southport Soup KitchenWhen The Wayfarers Barbershop Chorus perform ‘sing-outs’ we ask for donations, unless we are singing at a charity event.  These donations are placed into our charity fund and periodically this fund is donated to a worthy charity.

In recent years we have support Macmillan Nurses, but this year we have decided to move our support to smaller and more local charities. As a result, our concert in April will be in support of Queenscourt Hospice, who rely almost totally on public donations for their existence.

Just before Christmas, our members decided to donate £1,000 to the Southport Soup Kitchen, which provides hot means and beverages to homeless and disadvantaged people and also “a place of community where our guests could rest indoors, form friendships and receive emotional support” (extract from the Soup Kitchen Website).

The donation was covered by the Southport Champion and the article can be read by clicking here.

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