Welcome to The Wayfarers A Cappella Chorus!

Wayfarers Chorus since 1989

We are an A Cappella chorus, formed in 1989, who sing a variety of close harmony A Cappella songs.

Wayfarers Chorus regularly perform in Southport and throughout Sefton, Merseyside, Lancashire and other areas of the Northwest, at charity activities, social gatherings, and other related music events.  We have even sung at wedding receptions.

Are you a Musical Director looking for a chorus?

Our previous Musical Director is taking a well deserved retirement and we are looking for somebody to replace him. If you have the relevant skillsets to be an MD, are free on Tuesday evenings and would like to help a long established chorus to ‘keep singing’, please get in touch via our contact form or by email to info@wayfarerschorus.com.

If this is not you, but you know somebody who would be interested, please let them know.

Book us to sing for you

Learn To Sing

If you are looking to add something special to an occasion, or plan to put on some entertainment for your organisation, then try The Wayfarers Chorus.  As well as being entertained you will be contributing to a good cause as donations go to our chosen charity.  Use our contact form or send an email to info@wayfarerschorus,com

To see us in action please click on the links in the Videos menu.

Interested in Joining?

For a friendly chat and to discuss any aspects of our singing, or if you are interested in joining our ranks, please contact us using the form provided.