Quartet Night 2017 – Revised

It’s that time of year again.  A time when furtive foursomes try desparately to make up for lost time and arrange some practice sessions for the annual quartet night.  Gathering in front rooms and ladies toilets, they valiantly try to work out which songs they can sing that won’t be being sung by any other quartet.

This may be a friendly contest, between members (and ex members) of our chorus but, make no mistake, bragging rights are there to be won.

The confirmed quartets for this year’s contest are:

Quartet Bass Baritone Tenor Lead
Level 4 Barrie Ian Jimmy Paul St
Metatones Phil Keith Ray R Paul St
Red Harmony Stuart Ian Jeff Joe
Abyssinian Spoonbenders Phil Jack Roger Gerry
3+1 Pete David L Roger David A
Fiery Foursome Rick David L Jimmy Paul Sm
Acapella Fellas Phil Ian Jimmy Garry
283 Not Out Geoff Jim Jeff Paul Sm

Who knows though, given the success of the Mysterons there may be some last minute entries.  Only time will tell!

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